Industrial PhDs and external funding of scholarships
- Partner with us funding scholarship on specific research topic: for more information contact the coordinator Prof. Marco Grangetto, and see prelimiary requirement and costs
- Exploit the Regional program on Alto Apprendistato in Ricerca to hire new personell with a strong learning program
- Every year we offer a limited number of open positions, without scholarship, opened to external partner that can grant a research period to an emplyee (agreement with the PhD committe must be estabileshed)
PhD goals and topics of interests
The goal of the Ph.D. program is to provide Ph.D. students with a solid knowledge and understanding of different areas of Computer Science and with the ability to perform state-of-the-art research in one of the areas that are active at the Università di Torino and Piemonte Orientale
The program is open to all master degree (provided that solid computer science skills can be certificated of recovered with propoer formation). The duration is 3 years: the first year every student estabilish his own study plan (15 CFU including internal courses and international schools), the remaing 2 years must bu focused on research activities under the guidance of internal (and industrial tutor). Itermational experiences and co-tutorship for joint degree program are highly encouraged.