Roberto Aringhieri
- Dipartimento di Informatica
- SSD: MAT/09 - operational research

- 011-670 6755
- 011-751 603
- Dipartimento di Informatica, Corso Svizzera 185, Torino
- Contacts VCard
- Computer Science Department
- Dipartimento di Informatica
- Corso di laurea in Informatica
- Corso di laurea in matematica
- Corso di laurea magistrale in Informatica
- Matematica per l'Economia, la Finanza e l'Assicurazione
- Scuola Universitaria Interdipartimentale in Scienze Strategiche (SUISS)
- PhD in Computer Science
Curriculum vitae

Research products
All my research productsSelected research products
[selected publications from 2015 onwards]
Real-time resource allocation in the emergency department: A case study
2023-01-01 Duma D.; Aringhieri R.
Workshift Scheduling Using Optimization and Process Mining Techniques: An Application in Healthcare
2022-01-01 Guastalla, Alberto; Sulis, Emilio; Aringhieri, Roberto; Branchi, Stefano; Di Francescomarino, Chiara; Ghidini, Chiara
Novel Applications of the Team Orienteering Problem in Health Care Logistics
2022-01-01 Aringhieri R.; Bigharaz S.; Duma D.; Guastalla A.
The Connected Critical Node Problem
2022-01-01 Hosteins P.; Scatamacchia R.; Grosso A.; Aringhieri R.
Combining workload balance and patient priority maximisation in operating room planning through hierarchical multi-objective optimisation
2022-01-01 Aringhieri R.; Duma D.; Landa P.; Mancini S.
The daily swab test collection problem
2022-01-01 Aringhieri R.; Bigharaz S.; Druetto A.; Duma D.; Grosso A.; Guastalla A.
Fairness in ambulance routing for post disaster management
2022-01-01 Aringhieri R.; Bigharaz S.; Duma D.; Guastalla A.
Online Optimization in Health Care Delivery: Overview and Possible Applications
2020-01-01 Aringhieri, Roberto
An ad hoc process mining approach to discover patient paths of an Emergency Department
2020-01-01 Duma, Davide; Aringhieri, Roberto
Pattern-Based Online Algorithms for a General Patient-Centred Radiotherapy Scheduling Problem
2020-01-01 Aringhieri R.; Duma D.; Squillace G.
A simulation and online optimization approach for the real-time management of ambulances
2019-01-01 Aringhieri, Roberto; Bocca, Simone; Casciaro, Luigi; Duma, Davide
The management of non-elective patients: shared vs. dedicated policies
2019-01-01 Duma, Davide; Aringhieri, Roberto
Polynomial and pseudo-polynomial time algorithms for different classes of the Distance Critical Node Problem
2019-01-01 Aringhieri, Roberto; Grosso, Andrea; Hosteins, Pierre*; Scatamacchia, Rosario
The Real Time Management of Operating Rooms
2018-01-01 Duma, Davide; Aringhieri, Roberto
A special VRP arising in the optimization of waste disposal: a real case
2018-01-01 Aringhieri, Roberto; Bruglieri, Maurizio; Malucelli, Federico; Nonato, Maddalena
Simple but effective heuristics for the 2-Constraint Bin Packing Problem
2018-01-01 Aringhieri, Roberto; Duma, Davide; Grosso, Andrea; Hosteins, Pierre
Modeling the rational behavior of individuals on an e-commerce system
2018-01-01 Aringhieri, Roberto; Duma, Davide; Fragnelli, Vito*
Evaluating the Dispatching Policies for a Regional Network of Emergency Departments Exploiting Health Care Big Data
2018-01-01 Aringhieri, Roberto; Dell’Anna, Davide; Duma, Davide; Sonnessa, Michele
Emergency Medical Services and beyond: Addressing new challenges through a wide literature review
2017-01-01 Aringhieri, R.; Bruni, M.E.; Khodaparasti, S.; van Essen, J.T.
Supporting decision making to improve the performance of an Italian Emergency Medical Service
2016-01-01 R. Aringhieri; G. Carello; D. Morale
Hybrid constructive heuristics for the critical node problem
2016-01-01 Addis, Bernardetta; Aringhieri, Roberto; Grosso, Andrea; Hosteins, Pierre
A hybrid optimization algorithm for surgeries scheduling
2016-01-01 Paolo Landa; Roberto Aringhieri; Patrick Soriano; Elena Tànfani; Angela Testi.
Local Search Metaheuristics for the Critical Node Problem
2016-01-01 R. Aringhieri; A. Grosso; P. Hosteins; R. Scatamacchia
A General Evolutionary Framework for different classes of Critical Node Problems
2016-01-01 Aringhieri, Roberto; Grosso, Andrea; Hosteins, Pierre; Scatamacchia, Rosario
A two level Metaheuristic for the Operating Room Scheduling and Assignment Problem
2015-01-01 R. Aringhieri; P. Landa; P. Soriano; E. Tànfani; A. Testi
A branch-price-and-cut algorithm for the minimum evolution problem
2015-01-01 Daniele Catanzaro;Roberto Aringhieri;Marco Di Summa;Raffaele Pesenti
Construction and improvement algorithms for dispersion problems
2015-01-01 R. Aringhieri; R. Cordone; A. Grosso
An online optimization approach for the Real Time Management of operating rooms
2015-01-01 Duma, Davide; Aringhieri, Roberto
The optimization of a surgical clinical pathway
2015-01-01 R.Aringhieri; D. Duma
- Modelli e Metodi per il Supporto alle Decisioni (MFN0953)
Corso di laurea magistrale in Informatica - Optimization algorithms for AI and learning algorithms for optimization problems
PhD in Computer Science - Ricerca Operativa (INF0327)
Corso di laurea in Informatica
Research topics
Roberto Aringhieri is Professor of Operations Research and Management Science at the University of Turin. He holds a M.S. in Computer Science and a Ph.D. in Mathematics for Economic Decisions and Operational Research from the University of Pisa. His main skills are in the field of quantitative analysis using Operational Research methodologies and Simulation, and the design of efficient optimization algorithms. He is working on Health Care Management Science, especially on emergency medical services, workforce management, operating room planning and clinical pathways optimization exploiting Healthcare Big Data. He published 80 papers including international journals, conference proceedings, and book chapters. Further, he gave 9 invited talks. He is co-chair of the EURO Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services. He also serves as Associate Editor for Operations Research for Health Care journal.
Research groups
Research projects
Academic bodies
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Su appuntamento presso il Dipartimento Di Informatica