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Alignment issues in parallel multilingual treebanks: a case study (SEM-ALIGNISSUES)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Academic year: 2012/2013
Degree course in: Dottorato in Informatica
Academic year: 2012/2013
Degree course in: Dottorato in Informatica
Context-Aware Access Control for RDF Graph Stores (SEM-AACRDFGS)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Degree course in: Dottorato in Informatica
Data Fusion for Smarter Cities (SEM-DFSMARTCITIES)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Denotational Semantics (SD2012)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Discussioni Tesi di Dottorato Marengo e Pomponiu (SEM-DOTT1)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Foundations of communication-centred programming (FCCP2011)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Degree course in: Dottorato in Informatica
Foundations of communication-centred programming (FCCP2012)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Intelligent agents: modeling and reasoning techniques (IAMRT2011)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Degree course in: Dottorato in Informatica
Intelligent agents: modeling and reasoning techniques (IAMRT2012)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Degree course in: Dottorato in Informatica
Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS2011)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Degree course in: Dottorato in Informatica
Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS2012)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Degree course in: Dottorato in Informatica
Lingua universalis. Calcolo, informatica e linguaggio, ricordando Alan Turing (SEM-LINUNIV)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Degree course in: Dottorato in Informatica
Markovian Stochastic Models (MSM2012)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Degree course in: Dottorato in Informatica
Mining Moving Objects: Challenges and Directions (SEM-MMO)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Models of collective mood: applications to financial market prediction (SEM-MCM)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Degree course in: Dottorato in Informatica
Network Analysis and Social Media (NASM2012)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Degree course in: Dottorato in Informatica
On raising the level of abstraction in the simulation of the microthreaded many-cores architecture (SEM-MICROTHREAD)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Ontologie informatiche (SEM-ONTOINFO)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Presentazione proposte tesi di dottorato - ciclo XXVI (SEM-PROPDOT26)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Privacy for Linked Data (SEM-PLD)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Degree course in: Dottorato in Informatica
Temporal Data Bases (TDB2011)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Degree course in: Dottorato in Informatica
The Ramifications of Sharing in Data Structures (SEM-RAMSH)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Type Inference for Bimorphic Recursion (SEM-TIBD)
Academic year: 2012/2013
Degree course in: Dottorato in Informatica
Analysis of mobility data to study and optimise public transports (SEM-AMBSOPT)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Complexity of the Mints hierarchy in first-order intuitionistic logic (SEM-CMHFOIL)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Composition Synthesis based on Combinatory Logic with Intersection Types (SEM-COMSYN)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Connector Synthesis in Combinatory Logic (SEM-CSCL)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Energy aware computer systems and networks (SEM-EACSN)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Foundational principles of reversible and quantum computing (FPRQC2013)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Foundations of communication-centred programming (FCCP2013)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Give Peace a Chance: HCI for Peace? (SEM-PEACE)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS2013)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Learning with the Web. Structuring data for easing machine understanding (SEM-LEARNING)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Low-latency and high bandwidth TCP/IP protocol processing through an integrated HW/SW approach (SEM-LLHB)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Phase-based Minimalist Grammars (PMGs) and Top-Down derivations (SEM-PBMG)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Progetti di Ricerca: Finanziamento e Gestione (PRFG)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Rare Event Handling in Statistical Model Checking (SEM-REHSMC)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Serendipità cibernetica: Tape Mark I (SEM-SEREN)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Space Lower Bounds in Algebraic Proof Systems (SEM-SLBAPS)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Specifying Stateful Asynchronous Properties for Distributed Programs (SEM-SAPDP)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Temporal Data Bases (TDB2013)
Academic year: 2013/2014
The ULTraS Framework: New Behavioral Equivalences for Nondeterministic and Probabilistic Processes and Their Spectrum (SEM-ULTRAS)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Trust modeling and user modeling to address social network overload through message recommendation (SEM-TMUMA)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Understanding cascades in complex networks with MANCaLog (SEM-MANCALOG)
Academic year: 2013/2014
Exact-Approximate Bayesian Inference for Gaussian Processes (SEM-ABIGP)
Academic year: 2014/2015
Author profiling: Identification of age and gender (but also of personality and native language) (SEM-APIAG)
Academic year: 2014/2015
Confluence in sequent setting (SEM-CSS)
Academic year: 2014/2015
Disruptive Innovation (DISINN2014)
Academic year: 2014/2015
Foundations of communication-centred programming (FCCP2014)
Academic year: 2014/2015
Implementing Internal Domain-Specific Languages with Ruby: An Introduction (SEM-IIDLR)
Academic year: 2014/2015
Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS2014)
Academic year: 2014/2015
Learning representations for semantic relational data (SEM-LRSRD)
Academic year: 2014/2015
Meta-programming (MP1204)
Academic year: 2014/2015
Meta-programming (MP1415)
Academic year: 2014/2015
Programming using Automata and Transducers (SEM-PAT)
Academic year: 2014/2015
Qualitative and probabilistic system verification (QUALVER2014)
Academic year: 2014/2015
Research Public Funding (RPF1415)
Academic year: 2014/2015
Research Public Funding (RPF2014)
Academic year: 2014/2015
Temporal Data Bases (TDB1415)
Academic year: 2014/2015
Trust modeling and user modeling to address social network overload through message recommendationTrust modeling and user modeling to address social network overload through message recommendation (SEM-TMUMA)
Academic year: 2014/2015
Alternative Computing Paradigms: reversible and quantum (ACP1415)
Academic year: 2015/2016
Disruptive Innovation (DISINN1415)
Academic year: 2015/2016
Emotion-oriented systems (EOS1415)
Academic year: 2015/2016
Foundational principles of reversible and quantum computing (FPRQC2014)
Academic year: 2015/2016
Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS2014)
Academic year: 2015/2016
Academic year: 2015/2016
Qualitative and probabilistic system verification (QUALVER1415)
Academic year: 2015/2016
User Modeling and Adaptive Systems (INF0086)
Academic year: 2016/2017
Alternative Computing Paradigms: reversible and quantum (INF0087)
Academic year: 2016/2017
Bigdata and NoSQL databases (INF0082)
Academic year: 2016/2017
Data Mining, Analysis, and Visualization of Social Networks
Academic year: 2016/2017
Emotion-oriented systems (INF0088)
Academic year: 2016/2017
Foundations of communication-centred programming (INF0084)
Academic year: 2016/2017
Privacy and Data Protection (INF0083)
Academic year: 2016/2017
Qualitative and probabilistic system verification (INF0089)
Academic year: 2016/2017
Rappresentazione della conoscenza, ragionamento e applicazioni (INF0085)
Academic year: 2016/2017
Alternative Computing Paradigms: reversible and quantum (INF0087-2)
Academic year: 2017/2018
Bigdata and NoSQL databases (INF0082-2)
Academic year: 2017/2018
Designing personalized games and gamified systems
Academic year: 2017/2018
Emotion-oriented systems (INF0088-2)
Academic year: 2017/2018
Foundations of communication-centred programming (INF0084)
Academic year: 2017/2018
Mathematical foundations of deep learning and applications (DP17)
Academic year: 2017/2018
Privacy and Data Protection (INF0083-2)
Academic year: 2017/2018
Qualitative and probabilistic system verification (INF0089-2)
Academic year: 2017/2018
Rappresentazione della conoscenza, ragionamento e applicazioni (INF0085-2)
Academic year: 2017/2018
Real time systems (RTS17)
Academic year: 2017/2018
User Modeling and Adaptive Systems (INF0086-2)
Academic year: 2017/2018
Alternative Computing Paradigms: reversible and quantum (INF0087-2)
Academic year: 2018/2019
Cloud Computing for Science (INF01)
Academic year: 2018/2019
Conversational Interfaces (INF03)
Academic year: 2018/2019
Design and Evaluation of Artificial Cognitive Systems (INF02)
Academic year: 2018/2019
Emotion-oriented systems (INF0088-2)
Academic year: 2018/2019
Emotion-oriented systems (INF0088-2)
Academic year: 2018/2019
Foundations of communication-centred programming (INF0084)
Academic year: 2018/2019
Intelligent User Interfaces (INF00)
Academic year: 2018/2019
Degree course in: PhD in Computer Science
Knowledge Representation, reasoning and applications (INF0085-2)
Academic year: 2018/2019
Model checking (INF0089-2)
Academic year: 2018/2019
Spatial Analysis and Modeling (INF04)
Academic year: 2018/2019
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